The CSO Alliance is the heart of the JustPeace Association.

It is the place of exchange for civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Global South. Here, they can identify similar challenges, compare solutions, and learn from each other’s experiences.

The Alliance also develops strategies and policies for the work of the Association. Its members benefit as preferred project partners of the Hubs.


Countries in the Global South are diverse in many respects, but they share several similarities in terms of socioeconomic and political structures, traditions of conflict resolution, and the role of religion.

International cooperation widely ignores the potential of South-South Cooperation. We recognise the potential of the Global South to develop organic solutions for sustainable peace. At JustPeace, it takes a central role.


JustPeace needs guidance. The Alliance provides strategic advice to safeguard and strengthen the independence of the Association and its members, and policies for cooperation with and between CSOs.

The Alliance develops common standards of project management to enhance the quality of its members’ work. This includes financial management, accounting, evaluation, reporting, staff safety & security, anticorruption, and related competences.


Alliance members must be civil society organisations. Like NGOs, CSOs operate on a non-profit basis. In addition, they are rooted in the societies of their countries and serve the general interest. They oftentimes play the role of mediator between public authorities and citizens.

Alliance members should be independent and impartial, particularly when they work in conflict or post-conflict contexts.