• a platform for innovation and high-impact projects

  • a human-centered approach to peace, justice, and human security

  • built around a network of civil society organisations

  • mobilising experts from around the world


JustPeace is committed to peace, justice, and human security in countries that are affected by conflict.

We combine project work with think tank elements.

Our projects feature innovative approaches to peace processes, justice and governance reforms.

We support negotiations and dialogues, transitional and restorative justice processes, security sector reforms, and other pathways towards positive change.


JustPeace is an independent non-governmental organisation established as an Association.

Its unique structure unites a CSO Alliance, an Expert Forum, regional Hubs, and a Lab.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) and experts can join JustPeace as members. The Hubs and the Lab are established by JustPeace to pursue its goals.

The result is a creative space for exchange and collaboration between civil society, academia, and political institutions.


The CSO Alliance formulates strategic positions and standards for international cooperation. In our Lab, experts develop new approaches to fostering peace, justice, and human security.

The outcomes flow into projects designed and implemented by the CSOs, with technical and administrative support from the Hubs.

JustPeace exclusively relies on civilian approaches to peacebuilding. This is combined with a human-centred focus on the rights and interests of the people affected.


We live in a time of growing numbers of armed conflicts that are, in addition, getting more complex.

Authoritarian rule gains ground and struggles for hegemony intensify. Poverty and inequality grow. Meanwhile, measures to address existential threats that affect the most vulnerable, such as climate change and political polarisation, are disparate and implemented from a top-down approach.

To address these challenges, we believe in the power of dialogue and cooperation.


Peace is more than the absence of violence.

Sustainable peace can only thrive when the sources of conflict are eliminated. Oppression, discrimination and intolerance, unfair distribution of wealth, illegitimate rule, corruption, insecurity, are just some of the factors that constitute sources of conflict.

We know that peace, justice and human security are inseparably connected. This is why we rely on holistic approaches in our work. Wherever possible, JustPeace will contribute to stopping violence, building just societies and creating secure living environments.


Justice - in all its dimensions - is central to our work.

To strengthen the rule of law, we assist partners to achieve better and more equal access to justice, accountability, and fair processes.

During and after violent conflict, we support transitional justice processes and mechanisms to prevent reoccurrence.

We utilise an intersectional approach to identify and redress coinciding forms of structural discrimination, oppression and victimisation.


In international relations and cooperation, the notion of security mainly relates to the interests of states. Most resources flow to where partner governments want them to arrive, often prioritising the security sector.

In contrast, the concept of human security asks about the concerns of ordinary people who seek security for their lives and livelihoods.

As an analytical and planning framework, the concept brings to the fore interdependent crisis factors such as state violence, organised crime, forced labour, climate change, epidemics, and many others.

JustPeace experts have extensive experience with the following donors and development partners:



We are very happy to connect and broaden our network of partners and supporters.

If you have ideas, suggestions, or information that can benefit our work, or if you would like to get involved, please contact us using the form below.

For opportunities to volunteer with us, please send us a brief message explaining your interest in working with JustPeace.